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Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights


Another beating of Turkmen migrants in the deportation center of Turkey

Another beating of Turkmen migrants in the deportation center of Turkey

On February 18, 2023, 70 kilometers from Ankara, four detained Turkmen citizens were beaten in the Chankyry deportation center.

Relatives of one of the detainees called the Turkmen consulate in Istanbul and warned about the incident.

According to relatives of the victims, on the night of February 18, gendarmes and security guards of a private organization took four young Turkmen to room No. 250 of the Chankyry deportation center and beat them.

To clarify the circumstances, the employer of one of the beaten people hired a lawyer. According to the lawyer Sena Ozdemir Savash, who visited the deportation center on February 21, he saw bruises under his client’s eyes, a red line from a laceration was visible under his ear, and red abrasions on his back.

The stories of the two beaten were told to us by their concerned relatives on condition of anonymity. (THF has complete data on three victims)

33-year-old A.D., a native of Dashoguz, came to Turkey to work in February 2012. On January 23, he was returning home from work by minibus and was detained by police. Since he did not have any documents with him, the young Turkmen was sent to the deportation camp of Tuzla, the next day to Chorum, and then on January 25 he was taken to the deportation center of Chankyry. As it turned out, he lost his old-style passport several years ago.

Another victim, 30-year-old Kh.D., also a native of Dashoguz, came to Turkey to work 10 years ago. He was detained in Istanbul on January 10 and taken to the Bostanchy police station. At the time of his arrest, Kh.D. had a work visa. Reason for detention: fight in the workplace with colleagues.

On January 14, he was sent to the Tuzla deportation camp, and on January 20, he was transferred to the same deportation center in Chankyry.

On February 18, these two, along with another one (his initials Kh.N.), were taken to the room No. 250 and beaten, along with two more Turkmens. There was another Turkmen with them, whose name is being clarified.

As it turned out, in order to hide the traces of the beatings, the young guys were beaten mainly on the body.

These days, relatives of the victims turned to the Embassy of Turkmenistan in Ankara for help.

Turkmen Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights

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